Northwest Center for Public Health Practice at the University of Washington
This is an all levels course offering CPH — Free
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1.25 hours
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We all experience stress. This course, which is part one of a three-part series, reviews how stress affects behavior, biology, and psychology on a daily basis and during emergencies.
We’ll also explore the idea of resilience — our ability as individuals, organizations, and communities to adapt and recover in spite of difficult conditions. Finally, we’ll look at some key ways we can build resilience in both our lives and workplaces.
Reviewers say, "There were some helpful tools that were addressed in the training."
What You'll Learn
- Define stress and resilience.
- Explain how acute and chronic stress affect bodily, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral well-being.
- List three routine work-related stressors.
- List two disaster-related stressors.
- Describe the relationship between stress and resilience.
Competency Terms
Emergency Preparedness and Response (all hazards)
Public Health Science Skills
Leadership & Systems Thinking Skills
Related Occupations
Health Educator
Public health - multiple occupations will benefit
Public Health Agency Director
Related Job Tasks
Build and support a diverse and skilled public health workforce
Build and maintain a strong organizational infrastructure for public health