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Local public health professionals can encounter illness on a daily basis. Usually they are not at any greater risk of exposure to infectious disease than any other member of the general public. However, there are times when public health professionals interact with people in their home, workplace, or other community setting that may put them at risk of contracting a communicable disease.
This training will provide a basic review of disease transmission and infection control principles. It will discuss and demonstrate proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE). Prevention measures and behaviors that reduce exposure to infectious disease will also be covered. The goal of this training is to educate health care professionals so they can protect themselves, their family, and their community from exposure to, and transmission of, infectious diseases.
This learning opportunity topic is aligned with one or more of the strategic skills.
This learning opportunity addresses training topics identified in PHWINS 2017.
What You'll Learn
- Explain what infectious diseases and bloodborne pathogens are
- Describe six routes of transmission of infectious diseases
- Distinguish between standard and transmission-based precautions
- State when you should practice hand hygiene and when you should wear appropriate respiratory protection
- Select and use the proper PPE to prevent the spread of infectious disease in a healthcare setting
- Give four examples of ways to promote workplace and community safety