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Each day, we have opportunities to fight racism and bias in our work in public health. From our hiring practices to microaggressions that occur in internal meetings to the data we collect to the policies we influence, enact, and enforce — racism and bias impact all facets of public health. Studies show that this ultimately causes a negative impact on health outcomes and hinders our efforts to reduce racial inequities in health.
Through a hypothetical case study, following the day of a local public health practitioner, this training explores: 1) The myriad ways that racism and bias can be operationalized in the everyday practice of public health; 2) Why being explicit about microaggressions, bias, and racism is foundational to eliminating racial health disparities; and 3) Practical strategies for addressing racism, bias, and microaggressions as essential aspects of everyday practice in public health.
This learning opportunity topic is aligned with one or more of the strategic skills.
This learning opportunity addresses training topics identified in PHWINS 2017.
Reviewers say, "Highly recommend! The case studies were really insightful." and "Be sure to utilize the resources and links!"
What You'll Learn
- Compare individual, interpersonal, institutional, and structural racism
- Identify strategies to address microaggressions
- Use a structural/root cause analysis to understand how laws, regulations, and policies create health and racial inequities
- Describe the importance of applied anti-racism
- Apply antiracism principles and concepts to the everyday practice of public health