Region 2 Public Health Training Center
Collective Impact Part 2: Mutually Reinforcing Activities, Continuous Communication, and Backbone Support
This is an introductory course offering CHES and CPH — Free
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3-5 minutes


0.75 hours


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This module is part two of a two-part introductory series to the Collective Impact framework. In this module, participants build upon the lessons of part one by learning about the last three conditions of the Collective Impact framework–mutually reinforcing activities, continuous communication, and backbone support. Participants will explore best practices of each of these conditions in order to advance public health initiatives.

What You'll Learn

  • Identify some ways a community organization could provide assists to a Collective Impact project
  • Describe a key practice for the Continuous Communication condition
  • List the elements of Backbone Support for a Collective Impact project
  • Describe how technology-based tools can affect Collective Impact efforts

Competency Terms

Analytical/Assessment Skills
Community Health Assessment
Evidence-Based Decision Making
Policy Development/Program Planning Skills
Policy, Program, & Service Development
Public Health Informatics
Communication Skills
Community Input
Community Dimensions of Practice Skills
Relationship Building
Financial Planning & Management Skills
Team Building
Leadership & Systems Thinking Skills
Systems Thinking
Factors Impacting Effectiveness

Related Occupations

Other Management & Leadership
Other Professional
Public health - multiple occupations will benefit
Public Health Informatics Specialist
Public Health Information Specialist/Officer
Public Health Manager/Program Manager
